Buy to let lenders who offer mortgages to limited liability companies usually require the limited company to be an SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle).

Our Buy-to-let calculator is a great first step for anyone who's thinking of investing in a rental property through a limited liability company SPV.

Find out how much you could borrow.

Enter your expected monthly rent details below. Interest rates are typicly between 3% – 6%


Provided only as an estimate. This is subject to credit checks and underwriting. These are typical amounts you can borrow. Most lenders offer 2 year – 5 year terms

Most Buy-To-Let mortgages are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Whether a Buy-To-Let mortgage is regulated depends on your personal circumstances. The above information assumes that FCA regulation does not apply to the mortgage products shown.

Commercial Buy to Lets are not regulated by the FCA