Get an estimate of what you could borrow with a Buy to Let Top Slicing mortgage.

If your rental income doesn’t allow you to borrow what is required top slicing may be an option for you. This is based on their personal income, financial commitments and the rental income of this Buy to Let.

Find out how much you could borrow.

Please enter the property value.


Provided only as an estimate. This will be subject to underwriting and credit checks

Our mortgage calculator is a great first step for any independent professional who’s thinking of moving home.

It’s fast, easy to use and designed to give you a top-line estimate for how much you could borrow and what you might be able to save on your monthly repayments.

Most Buy-To-Let mortgages are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Whether a Buy-To-Let mortgage is regulated depends on your personal circumstances. The above information assumes that FCA regulation does not apply to the mortgage products shown.