Tips to save money for a mortgage | WIS Mortgages
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14th June 2024

Tips to save money for a mortgage

Purchasing your own home is a huge milestone that takes a good amount of planning, saving and research. The first step towards securing your own home - and in many cases, the hardest - is saving up enough money to secure a mortgage. By saving for a mortgage deposit, you can secure a mortgage that will give you the freedom to own your property. So, in this article, we'll offer several tips to save money for a mortgage, so that you can reach this milestone faster and easier.

Assess Your Financial Health

The first tip that we suggest to help save for a mortgage - particularly for first-time buyers - is to get a good idea of your current financial health. By looking at your current ingoings and outgoings, you'll find yourself in a much better position to start saving sensibly.

Understanding Your Budget

Begin by evaluating your monthly income and expenditures. Create a detailed budget that tracks all your spending, including bills, groceries, entertainment, and miscellaneous expenses. Tools like budgeting apps or spreadsheets can be particularly helpful in this process. Understanding where your money goes each month is crucial in identifying areas where you can cut back.

Credit Score Improvement

Your credit score significantly affects your mortgage terms, including the interest rate. A higher credit score can lead to more favourable mortgage conditions, whereas a bad credit score will make things more difficult. To improve your credit score:

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Set a Savings Goal

Once you have a clearer idea of your current financial health, you can move on to deciding on a savings goal. This will be the amount you'll want to save up for your mortgage deposit as well as other things like touching up the new property.

Calculate Your Deposit

In the UK, most mortgage lenders require a deposit of at least 5 to 20% of the property's value. However, a larger deposit often secures better mortgage rates. Determine how much you need based on your target property value and aim to save for a deposit that gives you the most competitive rates.

Create a Timeline

Once you know how much you need to save, set a realistic timeline. If you plan to buy a home in five years and need a £20,000 deposit, you'll need to save approximately £333 per month. Adjust your timeline based on what you realistically can set aside each month.

Cutting Costs

Another great way to save money for a mortgage is to refine your existing budget so that you spend less each month. This can be achieved in a few different ways but ultimately helps to unlock more money that can go towards your mortgage.

Reduce Major Expenses

Housing and transportation are two of the largest expenses for most people. Consider moving to a less expensive rental or sharing accommodations to cut costs significantly. If possible, use public transportation, carpool, or bike to work to save on commuting costs.

Lifestyle Changes

Small lifestyle changes can add up to big savings over time. So consider making a few lifestyle adjustments to help you cut down on costs, such as:

Smart Saving Strategies

If you really want to get the most out of the money you're saving for a mortgage, then adopting some financial strategies can help. There are a few different things that you can do to do more with the money you've already saved up, which can speed up the process of securing a mortgage.

High-Interest Savings Accounts

Place your savings in a high-interest account like an ISA or a fixed-rate savings account. These accounts offer better returns on your money, helping you reach your goal faster.

Automate Savings

Set up a direct debit to transfer a set amount to your savings account right after payday. This makes saving automatic and ensures it's a priority.

Follow These Tips to Save for Your Mortgage

Saving for a mortgage in the UK requires discipline, planning, and a bit of creativity in managing your finances. By assessing your financial health, setting clear goals, cutting costs, increasing your income, and taking advantage of government schemes, you can make the dream of owning a home a reality. Start today, and take one step at a time towards building a secure financial future that includes owning your own home.

If you have any questions about securing a mortgage, or would like further assistance with finding a suitable mortgage product for your needs, please get in touch with our team at WIS Mortgages today.

As a mortgage is secured against your home it may be repossessed if you do not keep up the mortgage repayments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How much should I save for a mortgage?

A. The amount of money that you should save for a mortgage will largely depend on the value of the property you're looking to purchase and what interest rates you want. Aiming for somewhere between 5 and 20% of the property value will give you the most flexibility in terms of what type of mortgage you'll secure and its terms.

Q. How much deposit will I need for a £300,000 property?

A. Most deposits fall somewhere between 5 to 20 % of the property value, so for a £300,000 mortgage that will mean saving between £15,000 and £60,000. A higher deposit will offer you better mortgage terms, such as smaller monthly payments or lower interest rates.

Q. What is the smallest mortgage you can get?

A. The minimum mortgage amount will vary based on the lender, so there isn't a definitive smallest mortgage available. Some lenders might offer a mortgage as low as £25,000, while others won't go under £50,000.